Industry Insights

Connected Kerb revolutionising public car charging in the UK

February 20, 2024
7 min

In this blog, we delve into the intricacies of the public charging infrastructure in the UK, shedding light on the hurdles it faces. Moreover, we'll spotlight how Connected Kerb is offering inventive solutions to address and overcome the challenges of public charging.


The car charging landscape in the UK reflects the nation's commitment to sustainable transportation but it's not without its challenges. On the positive side, there has been a commendable expansion of public charging infrastructure, crucial for encouraging widespread electric vehicle (EV) adoption. Urban areas boast a relatively dense network of charging points, contributing to the convenience of EV owners. Government initiatives, including grants and incentives, have played a pivotal role in fostering the installation of public charging stations, signalling a clear commitment to supporting the growing EV market.

However, challenges persist in shaping a comprehensive and accessible charging network. Coverage disparities remain a notable concern, with rural and remote areas facing limitations in accessing sufficient charging infrastructure. The variability in charging speeds across different stations can contribute to range anxiety for EV owners as well as potential Bev buyers. Inconsistent user experiences, payment methods, and interfaces across diverse charging networks add a layer of complexity, highlighting the need for standardisation. Peak-time congestion at popular charging stations can cause delays, impacting the overall efficiency of the charging experience. Addressing these challenges requires a concerted effort to standardise charging protocols, expand coverage to underserved areas, and enhance user education and awareness. Continued collaboration between governments, businesses, and the EV community is essential for overcoming current hurdles and ensuring a seamless and user-friendly public car charging experience across the UK.

In the realm of transforming public car charging in the UK, Connected Kerb emerges as a pioneering force facilitating a revolutionary shift. Connected Kerb’s innovative tech addresses several challenges prevalent in the existing charging infrastructure. The company envisions a comprehensive charging ecosystem by integrating charging points into existing urban infrastructure, such as curbsides and parking spaces. By seamlessly blending charging capabilities with existing city landscapes, the team at Connected Kerb aim to address the coverage disparities experienced in the UK, especially in densely populated urban areas. Its smart technology not only standardises user experiences but also provides real-time data on charging availability and occupancy, reducing congestion and optimising the utilisation of charging points. Through its innovative approach, Connected Kerb is playing a vital role in bridging the gaps in the current charging infrastructure, contributing significantly to the accessibility, efficiency, and widespread adoption of electric vehicles in the UK.

In this blog, we delve into the intricacies of the public charging infrastructure in the UK, shedding light on the hurdles it faces. Moreover, we'll spotlight how Connected Kerb is at the forefront of a transformative journey, offering inventive solutions to address and overcome the challenges plaguing public charging.

Public Charging in the UK

Public car charging infrastructure in the UK has witnessed significant growth and development over the last decade, aligning with the increasing adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). This growth is pivotal in fostering widespread EV adoption and catering to the needs of drivers relying on public charging for long-distance travel. A steady increase in the number of public charging points installed throughout the country is a major contributing factor to the accessibility and convenience of charging for EV users.

The progress made in the public charging infrastructure in the country is not solely a result of market dynamics; it is significantly bolstered by supportive government initiatives. Policies encompassing grants and incentives have been instrumental in incentivizing the installation of public charging points. The continued commitment of the government to such initiatives remains imperative for sustaining this growth.

Technological advancements have also played a transformative role in enhancing the efficiency and functionality of public charging stations. The implementation of smart charging solutions marks a notable stride, introducing features like dynamic pricing, effective station management, and improved integration with the grid. These innovations not only streamline the charging experience for users but also contribute to the overall resilience and adaptability of the public charging infrastructure in the UK.

While the UK has made significant strides in establishing a public charging infrastructure, addressing coverage disparities, improving charging speeds, enhancing user experience, and fostering community engagement are pivotal for ensuring a seamless and accessible EV charging network nationwide. Continued government support and industry collaboration will play key roles in overcoming current challenges and optimising the charging landscape for the growing number of electric vehicles on the road.

The Current Challenges of Public Charging in the UK

The present state of public charging infrastructure in the United Kingdom is characterised by a commendable expansion of charging points, primarily concentrated in urban areas. However, this growth is accompanied by challenges and limitations that impact the overall experience for EV users. Let’s take a look at some of the challenges faced by consumers that may impact the adoption of EVs.

  • Coverage Disparities: While major urban areas boast a relatively dense network of charging points, rural and remote regions face challenges in accessing sufficient charging infrastructure. This coverage disparity can hinder widespread EV adoption and usage in certain areas.
  • Charging Speeds: Variability in charging speeds remains an issue, with a mix of slow, fast, and rapid chargers available. Improving the charging speed of public points is crucial for addressing range anxiety and providing a more convenient charging experience.
  • User Experience: Inconsistent user experiences across different charging networks, payment methods, and user interfaces create confusion and inconvenience for EV owners. Standardising and simplifying these aspects can enhance the overall user experience.
  • Peak-Time Congestion: High demand during peak hours can lead to congestion at popular charging stations, causing delays for users. Because charging a Bev vehicle can be more time-consuming compared to refuelling an ICE vehicle, managing peak-time congestion and optimising charging station locations can enhance efficiency.

As the number of EVs on the roads continues to rise, the demand for accessible and reliable public charging solutions is escalating, necessitating a comprehensive analysis of the current infrastructure to address its shortcomings and pave the way for a more seamless and efficient electric mobility future. Let’s take a closer look at how Connected Kerb, a UK based company, has come up with innovative ways to overcome the challenges of EV charging in the country.

Connected Kerb

Connected Kerb was born out of a collective of forward-thinking individuals in 2017 who recognized the need for a transformative shift in the EV charging infrastructure. They aimed to design charging points that blended seamlessly with its environment. This commitment to aesthetics and functionality was recognized in 2018 when they won a London Civic Innovation Award for their groundbreaking charging point design.

Today, with over 120 employees, Connected Kerb is delivering power to the people by addressing the needs of the 60% unable to charge their cars at home. Their efforts extend to reducing charging blackspots in rural areas and increasing provisions in lower-income areas. Collaborations with Lambeth Borough Council and participation in the UK's first public smart charging trial highlight their dedication to creating solutions where they are most needed. Connected Kerb's impact goes beyond infrastructure installation; they are leading the charge in innovation. Their commitment to sustainability is evident in their relentless pursuit of a more sustainable planet through the use of technology.

The year 2022 marked significant achievements for the company, with 3,200 charging sockets installed, over 1,700 public charging points at 550 locations across the UK, and more than 14,000 EV drivers benefiting from their network. The delivered energy equivalent to driving 6.6 million miles showcases the tangible impact of their contributions.

From aesthetic design to community-focused solutions, from reducing rural charging disparities to embracing smart technology, they are shaping the future of EV infrastructure. With a commitment to accessibility, sustainability, and constant innovation, Connected Kerb is making EVs a viable and attractive option for everyone.

Addressing the Challenges of Public Charging

The emergence of Connected Kerb marks a pivotal moment in the evolution of public charging solutions, specifically designed to confront the challenges prevalent in the existing infrastructure. Founded with a mission to revolutionise the accessibility and efficiency of EV charging, Connected Kerb addresses the critical issues faced by electric vehicle users. The technology employed by Connected Kerb is rooted in the integration of charging points into the existing urban infrastructure, utilising curbsides and parking spaces to create a seamless and unobtrusive charging experience.

Connected Kerb's innovative approach involves smart technology that not only standardises user experiences but also provides real-time data on charging availability and occupancy. This data-driven approach is instrumental in reducing congestion at charging points, optimising their utilisation, and enhancing the overall reliability of the charging network. The key features that set Connected Kerb apart in the market include its commitment to integrating charging capabilities with the existing city landscapes, ensuring a harmonious coexistence with urban environments. This unique combination of innovation and practicality positions Connected Kerb as a transformative player in the public charging sector, bridging gaps, and providing a robust solution for the growing demand for accessible and reliable EV charging solutions.

Connecting Communities with Smart Charging Solutions

Connected Kerb's approach extends beyond the technical realm, embodying a community-centric ethos that addresses the unique needs of diverse urban environments. By seamlessly integrating charging solutions into existing community spaces, such as curbsides and parking areas, Connected Kerb fosters an inclusive and accessible charging network. This approach acknowledges the importance of urban harmony and ensures that the adoption of EVs does not compromise the aesthetic or functional aspects of the surrounding environment.

In its commitment to catering to diverse urban landscapes, Connected Kerb's solutions are adaptable to various settings, providing a flexible and scalable charging infrastructure. Whether in bustling city centres, residential areas, or commercial districts, the technology is designed to complement the distinct characteristics of each locale. This adaptability contributes to a more widespread and equitable distribution of charging points, addressing the coverage disparities experienced in different urban environments.

The infusion of smart technology into Connected Kerb's solutions plays a pivotal role in enhancing accessibility and usability for EV users. Real-time data on charging availability and occupancy not only empowers users with timely information but also contributes to more efficient utilisation of charging points, minimising congestion and optimising the overall charging experience. Connected Kerb's community-centric and technology-driven approach exemplifies a holistic strategy that not only meets the charging needs of EV users but also integrates seamlessly in diverse urban communities.

A Network that Grows with Demand

Connected Kerb's charging network is distinguished by its inherent scalability and adaptability, designed to dynamically expand in response to the surging demand for electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure. The scalability of Connected Kerb's network is a fundamental aspect that sets it apart in the evolving landscape of public charging solutions. As the popularity of electric vehicles continues to grow, the network can effortlessly accommodate the increasing demand by strategically deploying additional charging points. This scalability ensures that the infrastructure remains robust and responsive, capable of supporting the rising numbers of EVs on the roads.

The adaptability of Connected Kerb's charging network is a key feature that aligns with the dynamic nature of urban environments. The technology seamlessly integrates into various settings, including busy city centres, residential neighbourhoods, and commercial districts. This adaptability not only caters to the diverse needs of different locales but also positions Connected Kerb as a versatile solution that can be implemented in various urban landscapes. Whether in densely populated areas or emerging suburban developments, the charging network is designed to evolve with the changing dynamics of urban planning and transportation preferences.

In essence, Connected Kerb's commitment to scalability and adaptability ensures that its charging network grows organically with the increasing demand for EV infrastructure. This strategic approach not only future-proofs the network but also contributes to the seamless integration of electric mobility into the evolving needs of urban environments.

Overcoming Challenges and Promoting EV Adoption

While EVs have become increasingly popular around the globe - there are still areas for improvement in the industry. Some of these include -

  • Standardisation: Establishing industry standards for charging connectors, payment methods, and user interfaces can enhance uniformity and simplify the charging experience for users, irrespective of the charging network.
  • Integration with Other Services: Integrating charging infrastructure with other services, such as parking facilities and amenities, can create more comprehensive and user-friendly charging hubs, contributing to a positive EV ownership experience.
  • Education and Awareness: Enhancing public awareness about the benefits of EVs and the availability of charging infrastructure is crucial. Education campaigns can help alleviate concerns and encourage more individuals to make the switch to electric mobility.
  • Community Engagement: Involving local communities in the planning and installation of charging infrastructure can foster greater acceptance and support. Community-driven initiatives can address specific needs and ensure that charging points are strategically located.

Connected Kerb emerges as a transformative solution, strategically addressing common challenges associated with public charging infrastructure, namely accessibility, reliability, and convenience. In terms of accessibility, the technology's integration into existing urban infrastructure ensures a harmonious coexistence with community spaces. This approach not only enhances the availability of charging points but also promotes a user-friendly and unobtrusive charging experience, mitigating challenges related to charging station visibility and integration into urban environments.

The reliability of Connected Kerb's charging network is bolstered by smart technology that provides real-time data on charging availability and occupancy. This data-driven approach minimises congestion, optimises the utilisation of charging points, and contributes to a more reliable and efficient overall charging experience. The seamless and efficient charging experiences fostered by Connected Kerb play a pivotal role in encouraging electric vehicle (EV) adoption. By addressing common pain points for EV users, such as range anxiety and inconvenient charging experiences, Connected Kerb contributes to a positive perception of electric mobility, making it an attractive and viable option for a broader spectrum of users.

Connected Kerb's approach holds the potential to act as a catalyst for broader EV adoption in the UK. By creating a network that overcomes traditional challenges and aligns with the needs of diverse urban communities, Connected Kerb not only meets the present demand for EV infrastructure but also establishes a foundation for the future. As a facilitator of seamless and efficient charging experiences, Connected Kerb contributes to reshaping perceptions and fostering a more widespread embrace of electric vehicles, thereby accelerating the transition towards a sustainable and electrically powered transportation landscape in the UK.

Future Prospects and Innovations

Looking ahead, the future of public charging in the UK with Connected Kerb holds promising prospects, poised to contribute to ongoing innovations in the electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure. The company's commitment to scalability and adaptability positions it as a key player in the dynamic evolution of public charging solutions. As the demand for EV infrastructure continues to grow, Connected Kerb is well-positioned to introduce innovations that not only meet the current needs but also anticipate and address future challenges in the landscape of electric mobility.

Potential innovations in public charging in the UK may involve advancements in smart technology, further enhancing user experiences and optimising the utilisation of charging points. This could include the integration of artificial intelligence for predictive maintenance, real-time route planning based on charging availability, and personalised user interfaces for a more tailored charging experience. The continuous refinement of user-centric features may also play a significant role in shaping the future of public charging, ensuring accessibility and ease of use for a diverse range of EV owners.

Connected Kerb's role in shaping the evolving landscape of EV infrastructure is anticipated to extend beyond providing charging solutions. The company has the potential to influence industry standards, contribute to policy discussions, and collaborate with stakeholders to establish a comprehensive and cohesive vision for the future of electric mobility. By staying at the forefront of innovation and aligning with the changing needs of urban environments, the company is well-positioned to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of public charging in the UK, contributing to a sustainable and seamlessly integrated electric transportation ecosystem.

To conclude,

Connected Kerb stands as a transformative force, revolutionising public charging in the UK and reshaping the landscape of electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure. The company's innovative approach, rooted in community-focused solutions, has addressed long standing challenges in accessibility, reliability, and convenience, making strides towards a more sustainable and integrated electric mobility future.

As we reflect on Connected Kerb's contributions, it becomes evident that a community-focused approach is essential for widespread EV adoption. The positive impact of this approach extends beyond charging infrastructure, influencing the way communities embrace and integrate electric vehicles into their daily lives. Whether as policymakers, industry leaders, or everyday citizens, it is crucial to champion and support initiatives that not only meet the current challenges of EV adoption but also pave the way for a future where electric mobility is seamlessly woven into the fabric of our communities. Connected Kerb's journey serves as an inspiring testament to the possibilities when innovation, community focus, and sustainability converge, leaving an indelible mark on the electric vehicle ecosystem in the UK.

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Dan Kirby

Commercial Director


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